Take a look at this general information before you get started with our courses.
1.1 Course Information
Progressive Training will ensure that correct and complete information will be given to participants prior to enrolment, regarding:
1.2 Privacy & Disclosure of Information
All information supplied by participants is kept in complete privacy and for the purpose only for which it was collected. Information provided may be required by auditing bodies authorised by the Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD).
It is possible for participants to gain access to their personal information, however, disclosure of participant information to another source can only be permitted if the participant completes a ‘Release of Information’ Form (CS 2.04.01). Your trainer will be able to supply this form to you if you require it, otherwise contact the office.
1.3 Provision for Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment
Progressive Training can assist with language, literacy and numeracy needs during training and assessment. If you require assistance in this area, please speak to your trainer/assessor.
Alternatively, the 'Reading, Writing, Hotline (Australia)' may be able to assist:
Website: www.readingwritinghotline.edu.au
Phone: 1300 6555 06
1.4 Client Support
Progressive Training is mindful that some participants may have special needs such as physical, cultural and educational needs. Please let administration personnel and/or your trainer know about these needs prior to enrolling into a course.
If your trainer knows about these needs, they will be able to apply reasonable adjustment to the training and assessment/s.
1.5 Flexible Learning and Assessment Procedures
Progressive Training’s trainer/assessors are committed to assisting participants with flexible learning and assessment modes where we are equipped, and believe that learning will not be impeded by this mode of training. Benefits of flexible training mode include:
1.6 Appeals, Complaints and Grievances
If a complaint/grievance arises, or a participant wishes to appeal an assessment decision, they should abide by the following procedure:
1.7 Access and Equity
Progressive Training is committed to ensuring the access and equity rights of all clients, based on the following principles:
1.8 Recognition of Qualifications issued by other RTO’s
Progressive Training, as stated in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) 2015 ,“…maintains and accepts AQF certification documentation in accordance with these Standards and provides access to learner records.” (Standard 3). This ensures national acceptance of the Certification awarded by RTOs throughout Australia. Therefore, all AQF and VET qualifications and VET statements of attainment issued by other RTOs will be fully recognised by Progressive Training. Assessment or reassessment, in such cases, infringes a participant’s national
recognition rights and is non-compliant with Standard 3. To apply for National Recognition, follow the procedure below:
1.9 Ethical Marketing and Advertising
Progressive Training adheres to the requirements of the current Standards for Registered Training Organisations with regards to any advertising or marketing material. We take pride in our ethical beliefs and values.
1.10 Access to Records
All participants have the right to gain access to their training records/information. Those who wish to gain access must contact administration personnel and make a formal request in writing declaring their reason for wanting access to their records. A form of ID, i.e. Driver’s Licence, will be required.
2.1 Fees and Charges
Fees, charges, refunds and exemptions for Publicly Funded courses are set as per the Fees Policy provided by the Department of Training and Workforce Development.
Non Publicly Funded courses are negotiated with the CEO of Progressive Training on a Fee for Service arrangement.
All participants are made aware of the fees prior to participants signing the registration form.
The refund procedure is set out in accordance with the 'Financial Safeguards for Participants' Policy/Procedure (TA 3.14).
2.2 Participant Code of Conduct
Participants at Progressive Training are expected to:
2.3 Recognition of Prior Learning
RPL is the acknowledgement of a person’s skills and knowledge acquired through previous training, work or life experience, outside the formal education and training system, which may be used to grant status or credit in a subject or module. These skills and knowledge are measured against the qualification you are enrolled in. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is available for any nationally recognised Unit of Competency, full Qualification or accredited short course under Progressive Training's scope.
2.4 Occupational Health and Safety
Any concerns with health and safety matters should be raised with your trainer or the CEO. All accidents, incidents or near-misses must be reported and an 'Injury, Illness and Incident Report' Form completed (HR 5.06.01). Your trainer can assist you with this form.
All Progressive Training buildings are smoke-free zones. Smoker's trays are provided outside the complex.
2.5 Assessment and Results
In most courses, some form of assessment is required. The trainer/assessor will advise participants of how they will be assessed.Once participants have been assessed, they will be given an assessment result of either Competent or Not Yet Competent. Participants have the right to appeal against assessment methods and/or results issued. Participants should contact the trainer/assessor or the CEO to lodge an appeal on the ‘Participant Appeals’ Form (TA 2.03.01).
2.6 Reasonable Adjustments
Reasonable adjustment in the VET sector is the term applied to modifying the learning environment or making changes to the assessment process to assist a candidate with a disability. Training packages allow reasonable adjustments to be made to the assessment process because of the personal requirements of the candidate.
The following guiding principles underlying the idea of reasonable adjustment is inclusive practice which may include:
Adjustments are considered reasonable if they:
Progressive Training will ensure that correct and complete information will be given to participants prior to enrolment, regarding:
- Participant selection, enrolment, induction/orientation procedures and the Unique Student Identifier (USI)*.
- Fees and charges including refund policy, reissuance costs and exemptions (where applicable).
- Provision for Language, literacy and numeracy assessment.
- Client support, including internal and external support the RTO has arranged for clients.
- Flexible learning and assessment procedures.
- Welfare and guidance services.
- Appeals, complaints and grievances procedures.
- Staff responsibilities for access and equity.
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) arrangements.
- Course information, content and vocational outcomes are provided by the trainer of the course and are detailed on the registration form prior to the participant signing the form.
- Other information provided by your trainer prior to enrolment includes:
- Mode of delivery available;
- What will be taught;
- How participants are assessed;
- Future studies and/or employment opportunities;
- Where course will be delivered.
1.2 Privacy & Disclosure of Information
All information supplied by participants is kept in complete privacy and for the purpose only for which it was collected. Information provided may be required by auditing bodies authorised by the Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD).
It is possible for participants to gain access to their personal information, however, disclosure of participant information to another source can only be permitted if the participant completes a ‘Release of Information’ Form (CS 2.04.01). Your trainer will be able to supply this form to you if you require it, otherwise contact the office.
1.3 Provision for Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment
Progressive Training can assist with language, literacy and numeracy needs during training and assessment. If you require assistance in this area, please speak to your trainer/assessor.
Alternatively, the 'Reading, Writing, Hotline (Australia)' may be able to assist:
Website: www.readingwritinghotline.edu.au
Phone: 1300 6555 06
1.4 Client Support
Progressive Training is mindful that some participants may have special needs such as physical, cultural and educational needs. Please let administration personnel and/or your trainer know about these needs prior to enrolling into a course.
If your trainer knows about these needs, they will be able to apply reasonable adjustment to the training and assessment/s.
1.5 Flexible Learning and Assessment Procedures
Progressive Training’s trainer/assessors are committed to assisting participants with flexible learning and assessment modes where we are equipped, and believe that learning will not be impeded by this mode of training. Benefits of flexible training mode include:
- Increased flexibility to participants in their study program;
- The ability for participants to study at their own pace and to organise assessments around work and personal commitments.
1.6 Appeals, Complaints and Grievances
If a complaint/grievance arises, or a participant wishes to appeal an assessment decision, they should abide by the following procedure:
- 1. Preliminary dialogue: Try to resolve complaint/grievance or appeal with the person (e.g. trainer/assessor) involved. this should occur as close to the time of the incident/result issuance as possible, but must be within 14 working days.
- 2. Formal Appeals/Complaints and Grievances: For complaints and grievances, complete 'Complaints and Grievances' Form (HR 4.13.01). For appeals, complete 'Participant Appeals' Form (TA 2.03.01).
- 3. Acknowledgement: The CEO or a Director will acknowledge all appeals/complaints and grievances within 3 working days of receipt.
- 4. Process: Resolution will, where possible, be resolved within 28 working days. If not resolved, an arbitrator may be sought. A written report of the outcomes achieved will be given to the complainant on completion of process. The complainant or appellant will be notified in writing if the process is likely to exceed 60 calendar days.
- 5. External: If, after following Progressive Training's internal procedures, the participant still believes Progressive Training is breaching, or has breached, its legal requirements, a complaint can be submitted to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) www.asqa.gov.au/complaints.
1.7 Access and Equity
Progressive Training is committed to ensuring the access and equity rights of all clients, based on the following principles:
- Access and Equity: make products and services available and deliver without discrimination to what may present as a barrier to access, participation and the achievement of a suitable outcome.
- Standard: adhere to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) 2015.
- Communication: strive to provide quality customer service through timely response, providing appropriate information, and ensuring advice and support is given to assist in achieving positive outcomes.
- 1. Respond to enquiries in a timely manner;
- 2. Provide all relevant information to customers;
- 3. Maintain professional rapport with all external customers;
- 4. Maintain professional conduct with internal customers;
- 5. Uphold all contracts, agreements and Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) in good faith;
- 6. Adhere to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) 2015 for all training services.
1.8 Recognition of Qualifications issued by other RTO’s
Progressive Training, as stated in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) 2015 ,“…maintains and accepts AQF certification documentation in accordance with these Standards and provides access to learner records.” (Standard 3). This ensures national acceptance of the Certification awarded by RTOs throughout Australia. Therefore, all AQF and VET qualifications and VET statements of attainment issued by other RTOs will be fully recognised by Progressive Training. Assessment or reassessment, in such cases, infringes a participant’s national
recognition rights and is non-compliant with Standard 3. To apply for National Recognition, follow the procedure below:
- 1. Participant/client to make a request for National Recognition.
- 2. Participant/client to be supplied with our ‘National Recognition’ Form (TA 3.02.01) for completion (staff are available to assist if required).
- 3. Participant/client to supply a certified copy of their certificate or statement of attainment.
- 4. Participant/client to sign form.
- 5. Quality assurance personnel to check and verify the application and, when satisfied that the claim is accurate,forward to administration personnel for processing.
- 6. Please note: A fee may be required for this process and an invoice will be issued
1.9 Ethical Marketing and Advertising
Progressive Training adheres to the requirements of the current Standards for Registered Training Organisations with regards to any advertising or marketing material. We take pride in our ethical beliefs and values.
1.10 Access to Records
All participants have the right to gain access to their training records/information. Those who wish to gain access must contact administration personnel and make a formal request in writing declaring their reason for wanting access to their records. A form of ID, i.e. Driver’s Licence, will be required.
2.1 Fees and Charges
Fees, charges, refunds and exemptions for Publicly Funded courses are set as per the Fees Policy provided by the Department of Training and Workforce Development.
Non Publicly Funded courses are negotiated with the CEO of Progressive Training on a Fee for Service arrangement.
All participants are made aware of the fees prior to participants signing the registration form.
The refund procedure is set out in accordance with the 'Financial Safeguards for Participants' Policy/Procedure (TA 3.14).
- 1. Complete 'Participant Refund' Form (TA 3.14.01)
- 2. Submit form to CEO or administration personnel
- The CEO or delegated person will notify participant if a refund has been approved or declined
- If approved, refund will be forwarded to the participant
2.2 Participant Code of Conduct
Participants at Progressive Training are expected to:
- Be polite and courteous at all times
- Respect the differences of fellow participants and staff
- Give all class members the opportunity to listen and learn in an environment that is quiet and free from unnecessary disruption
- Maintain punctual attendance to all classes
- Only leave classes at scheduled times or with the permission of the trainer
- Refrain from using inappropriate electronic devices in class, e.g. Music players (mobile phones should be on silent or switched off)
- Not bring dangerous or hazardous goods to the premises
- Report hazards or unsafe practices to trainer or CEO
- Observe safety requirements at all times
- Not bring alcohol/prohibited substances to sessions
2.3 Recognition of Prior Learning
RPL is the acknowledgement of a person’s skills and knowledge acquired through previous training, work or life experience, outside the formal education and training system, which may be used to grant status or credit in a subject or module. These skills and knowledge are measured against the qualification you are enrolled in. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is available for any nationally recognised Unit of Competency, full Qualification or accredited short course under Progressive Training's scope.
2.4 Occupational Health and Safety
Any concerns with health and safety matters should be raised with your trainer or the CEO. All accidents, incidents or near-misses must be reported and an 'Injury, Illness and Incident Report' Form completed (HR 5.06.01). Your trainer can assist you with this form.
All Progressive Training buildings are smoke-free zones. Smoker's trays are provided outside the complex.
2.5 Assessment and Results
In most courses, some form of assessment is required. The trainer/assessor will advise participants of how they will be assessed.Once participants have been assessed, they will be given an assessment result of either Competent or Not Yet Competent. Participants have the right to appeal against assessment methods and/or results issued. Participants should contact the trainer/assessor or the CEO to lodge an appeal on the ‘Participant Appeals’ Form (TA 2.03.01).
2.6 Reasonable Adjustments
Reasonable adjustment in the VET sector is the term applied to modifying the learning environment or making changes to the assessment process to assist a candidate with a disability. Training packages allow reasonable adjustments to be made to the assessment process because of the personal requirements of the candidate.
The following guiding principles underlying the idea of reasonable adjustment is inclusive practice which may include:
- Recognising differences amongst learners
- Catering for the differences in individual learners, including interests, experience, learning styles
- Ensuring that no learner is excluded and or discriminated against
- Customising resources or activities within a training program
- Modifying a presentation medium
- Provision of additional support
- Provision of assistive or adaptive technologies
- Making additional information accessible both before enrolment and during the course
- Monitoring adjustments to ensure that the individual’s needs continue to be met
- Assessors need to ensure that all candidates will be treated equally and that there will be no discrimination
Adjustments are considered reasonable if they:
- Still allow for a valid and reliable assessment
- Do not compromise safety
- Do not breach statutory, regulatory or legislative requirements