NEWSLINE - December 2014

As this will be the last newsletter for this year I would like to take the opportunity to thank our clients for their continued support throughout 2014 and to wish you a safe and happy festive season. We look forward to working with you again in 2015. My sincere thanks also to our Directors and staff and our trainers who have worked tirelessly this year to ensure that Progressive Training (WA) Pty Ltd continues to deliver high quality services every time!
I am sure 2015 will continue to present more exciting developments for our organisation and for the VET sector as a whole and I look forward to tackling next year’s challenges head on.
The new RTO standards will be implemented from 1 January 2015 for new RTO's and 1 April 2015 for existing RTO's.
As always, and as the New Year fast approaches, we will continue to work with our key clients and industry partners to develop and deliver skilling standards that meet their needs for productive and safe workforces. We understand that each business is unique and we will work with you to achieve workable solutions. Feel free to contact our office on 9964 9497 to discuss how we can assist with your training and professional consultancy needs.