As we enter the last quarter of the 2015/16 financial year this could be the perfect time to update your skills profile, gain an additional qualification or take the opportunity to undertake some professional development. Check out the ‘Calendar of Events’ included with this edition and pick up a skills set or two!
Did you know that we also offer other specialised services including recruitment and staff selection, system audits, various high risk and plant operator training, training resource development to name a few? Check out the article called ‘About Our Services’ to find our more.
They tell me that February is a very important month of the year, not only did it signal a ‘leap year’ this year but apparently all the best people have their birthdays in February – one of them being Director Geoff, we helped him celebrate with a very special cake!
We welcomed Scott Rubery to our team recently into a ‘VET Resource Development & Scope Officer’ role - get to know Scott by reading the enclosed article.
We look forward to working with you again this year to provide flexible solutions to your training needs at a location to suit you. Contact us on 9964 9497 for more information.
"Wisdom is learning to let go when you want to hang on. Courage is learning to hang on when you want to let go." -- Mark Amend
'Til next time,
Jenny Rolston